Interested in joining our team?
If you identify as Indo-Caribbean and/or are interested in Indo-Caribbean culture and heritage, this might be the right opportunity for you!
Our organization is constantly seeking new team members who can provide distinct skills and abilities to support our mandate and future growth.
We aim to connect, serve and amplify Canada's Indo-Caribbean community through a number of programs and initiatives. Our volunteers are the fuel to the success of all our work, and we can use your support.

Alim (far left), Ryan (centre), and Sabrina (far right) with volunteers at Feed Scarborough during a delivery of food donations from the Dhal and Rice Indo-Caribbean Food Drive.

All interested candidates who would like to be a volunteer with our dynamic team can apply byb completing our APPLICATION FORM.
Qualifying candidates will be invited for an interview. We will do our best to respond to all applicants on the next steps. Our HR Committee will provide information on the process after your application form has been reviewed.
We require all volunteers to abide by our Inclusion and Safe Space Policy and Volunteer Code of Conduct.
Nerissa and Omisha brave the cold and hand out winter clothing to recent immigrants from the Caribbean in Toronto's St. James Town neighbourhood
*Volunteer hours are available for high school students
*All roles are volunteer, no financial compensation is provided
* Volunteers are asked to participate in regular planning and organization meetings (virtually).