Programs offered by the Indo-Caribbean Canadian Association
VOICE is the Voter Organization for Indo-Caribbean Engagement, and was established to inform Indo-Caribbean people in Canada about how government works, why its important to understand how decisions are made, and important to get involved. Further, VOICE will share and activate relevant information to encourage Indo-Caribbean Canadians go out and vote!
Launched on On International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, (IDAHOTB) 2022, this is Canada's first organization dedicated for LGBTQ2S+ Indo-Caribbean people. Proudly presented by the Indo-Caribbean Canadian Association.
The Star Bhai Fellowship is open to individuals ages 8 - 18, who identify as male, and is from the Indo-Caribbean community in Canada. This program will offer participants the chance to engage with Indo-Caribbean professionals through interactive sessions aimed to building self and professional development.
Books for Back Home is our first-ever Spring Book Drive from April 1 to 31st 2022. With over a dozen drop-off locations around the GTA and KW Region, donated books will be sent to Guyana and Trinidad.